
you say tomato, I say that just looks bad. real bad.

According to the parenting literature, Burton will develop his own ways of doing things with the baby--ways that will be different from mine, but not necessarily wrong for that reason alone. Just different. On the whole, I can buy that. But somehow I can’t bring myself to tell Burton he’s done a good job when he dresses Henry. I just . . . can’t. It is not right.


Jerad said...

Is there supposed to be something funny about this picture? I don't get it.

Paige at MommyCast.com said...

This is where it starts. At least Henry isn't going to be dropped off at school like that. You can change him after Burton goes to work. And NO, I don't have any control issues in my marriage. I'm just sayin'.

DFW said...

Stripes are slimming...

Burton said...

I second what Dave said. And as previously pointed out, all those items of clothing were carefully chosen so that the stripes were aligned in the same direction.

Leslie C said...

DUDE! What a blatent misuse of Babylegs!!!

Lee said...

The real reason that Henry is dressed this way is to make dad's ensemble look that much better.

Biggest Losers or Bust said...

Without the choice of khaki pants and a blue button down, what is Burton SUPPOSED to do?