I brought my camera to the fireworks on Sunday night to see what I could see. Turns out, when you're using a SLR camera and long exposures, you don't see squat through the viewfinder. I might as well have been blind. Except if I were blind, maybe my other senses would have called an intervention and taken over operations to prevent a total loss.
Once the show had ended, a friend said, "Lemme see what you got." After scrolling through a lot of dark, blurred, fuzzy images--a LOT of them--he wrapped up the conversation as politely as he could manage: "It's HARD to photograph fireworks, huh?" Hard to photograph them well, maybe, because I apparently had no trouble taking loads of crap shots.
Here you go. It's really all about the tripod and, if you want to get really extravagant, a remote shutter release. The fireworks shots I've seen look pretty good.
My tripod consisted of my two legs and a police barricade, but there were angle and shake isuses. (Fireworks make me giddy.)
I was glad to have such a big memory card, because it really was necessary to take several hundred in order to salvage one or two.
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