
stranger love

I squished a squirrel with my car. It was as unavoidable as it was gut-wrenching. For both me and the victim, I guess, though to varying degrees.

Determined to turn the day around and lift my spirits, I put a leash on my secret weapon and jammed a tennis ball in his mouth, because he likes to walk that way. We set out for a walk around Davis square, where nearly every college student, 30-something, tottering munchkin, teetering oldster, and cranky meter maid stuffed in a too-small uniform I passed produced at least a grin, if not also a greeting. "Hello!" "What a cutie you are!" "Look what YOU found!" "Aren't you adorable!" And even: "Hi! I LOVE you!" Amazing how it can change a person's mood. Even if they are talking to my dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you tried a tennis ball in your mouth?